Friday, November 23, 2018

Health IS Wealth

The truth is, all of the money in the world doesn't matter if you are living with daily pain or any number of other chronic health problems.

So many have fallen into the trap of neglecting their health for the perceived "finer things in life," such as a career, making money and indulging in what they wanted instead of what they needed!

If you don't have a health problem, it's quite easy to think you never's the old out of sight out of mind notion or I'll "fix the roof" if it starts to leak!  The problem is that when it comes to our health, we often don't have a small leak first that we can quickly patch up...instead it is a doctor's report that brings you to tears!  It can also be those chronic health problems that you deal with on a daily basis that have got you just trying to survive day to day.  They can have such a tight hold on you that you don't think overcoming them is even possible!

Fear, doubt, discouragement, depression are all too common denominators with these health conditions that seemingly rob you of a higher quality life!  If affects family and friends and can hold you back from the life you want to live!  You would give everything to be healthy...pain free...cancer free..depression free, etc.

I truly believe being healthy is attainable for anyone and there are several weapons available to use to fight back against the bad health demons!  You have to realize a few things first before you even see the purpose in picking up those weapons!

Things like...

  • Your health or lack thereof can affect everyone around you positively or negatively
  • Your greatest value is not in what you do, but WHO you are and who you are can't be fully expressed if you are unhealthy
  • With good health, you are able to focus more on others than on your health problem
  • The things we often prioritize are NOT the most important things
  • We only get 1 body and a dash between 2 dates to take care of it
So now that we got that out of the way, look at your health as an investment!  If you don't put "money" in, you won't reap the reward of the return on investment!  I assure you that most people (as I'm sure there are a few extremely stubborn or willfully ignorant ones) that have dealt with a major health issue would give almost anything to go back in time so they could change the future outcome!  

Whether you are already healthy or not, you have weapons that you can fight with TODAY to continue to stay healthy or regain control of your health.  It is certain that at some point, your health will make itself one of your top priorities if you don't!  Those weapons must be picked up and used if they are going to get the victory!  It's time! 

Your Defeat The Fat Coach,

Clayton Halls            

Monday, October 15, 2018

Starting Is Like A Marathon

Recently, I saw this bumper sticker as I had just left my studio from teaching a class and training a client!  Now, we know how much people love to put the 13.1 or the 26.2 stickers on their vehicles because they are proud of the races they've run!  But what about the person who can't even think about running 1 mile and just the thought of trying to change their lifestyle is a "marathon in their mind?" 

To be honest, when I first saw this bumper sticker, I laughed out loud!  It is funny on the surface, but the deeper meaning of it can be tied to something more serious!  The truth is that whether it is running a marathon, a mile...or heck, just walking through your neighborhood, it can seem like too big of a mountain to climb! 

The warning alarm is set off in your mind and your brain is telling you to evacuate even the thought of making a healthy lifestyle change such as walking or jogging!  It's as if you are defeated before you have even started!  This reminds me of something I learned back in Sport and Exercise Psychology class that I took in college.  We learned of a process that many go through mentally when it comes to considering and making a change.

First it is pre-contemplative which basically means that they are just starting to think about flirting with the idea of maybe making some type of healthy change such as incorporating some exercise activity into their lives or eliminating processed foods, etc.  Unfortunately, many get stuck in this phase and never progress.  It's like they saw a picture of a mountain that is in "driving distance" and had the passing thought, maybe I could attempt to climb that one day.  Their passing thought just remains potential and often comes and goes like the wind!

The next phase is contemplative which means you have now gotten over the wishful thinking and have now been considering "taking a trip" to actually go and "see the mountain!"  You have decided to attempt to flirt and show some real interest in the idea of "climbing this mountain." You have thoughts of actually scheduling the trip to "go to the mountain" to check it out! 

The distance between the contemplative phase and the next phase, which is preparation, is a long ways because you have reached a point where it now requires action! At this point, you have now scheduled/planned the trip to the mountain so you can physically see it and then consider a REAL decision!  It has now turned into something a little more serious in your brain, but still far from a reality!  It's like you have moved from thinking about asking someone out to now setting up a specific time to ask them on a date to explore the possibility of a commitment! 

Here lies the great divide!  It's the place in the mental journey where you now get out of your head and into reality!  It is the ACTION stage!  It requires you to now follow through with what you have been mentally preparing for and make a move that shows you are not kidding yourself anymore!  This is where you not just get to the mountain, but also DECIDE TO CLIMB!  It's where you not just make the phone call or meet someone in person, but also where you ask them on a date and then FOLLOW THROUGH!  It is a foundational step that hopefully leads to the next action (climb further up the mountain; go on another date, etc.)  Enough action steps then leads to a lifestyle! 

Once you make it a lifestyle, then you now dwell in the "maintenance phase!"  This is the phase where you now know you can "climb mountains" and have a desire to do it or have now gotten engaged/married and you have established that you are now in it for the long haul! 

All of these phases make up the stages of change model!  For many, it is a real mental marathon they have to run before they even get to taking some kind of action!  They have done a lot of running in their mind, but are still at 0.0 miles in reality!  The question is, how many 13.1's or 26.2's do you want to run in your mind before you actually log some REAL miles?  We have a choice to stay on the hamster wheel of running in our thoughts logging countless miles or we can CHOOSE TODAY to get off the mental wheel and start taking some physical, tangible steps!  Do you want to be a mountain climber or a "fountain dimer?" (Someone who likes to throw coins in the water and make wishes without ever taking action) 

Your Defeat The Fat Coach,


Sunday, September 16, 2018

Are You Running or RUNNING?

With all of the hurricane craziness here in NC, this quote (one of my favorites) came to mind! 

The weather will make people take action running all over the place with a sense of urgency trying to prepare for the worst (even if there is not any real imminent danger)! However, when it comes to many people's overall health, there is no urgency, no preparation! It's as if no health crisis is brewing. The "category 5" health warnings are ignored and when the storm hits, it is often too late...the damage has been done and there are usually casualties! 

Whether we are the lion or the gazelle, we must have a sense of urgency to take precautions and proactive steps towards our overall health! If the work is not put in now, you may "starve to death" or become lunch-meat!"

Now, let's put the hurricane aside for a second!  In just everyday ordinary life without the weather report dictating peoples' behavior...people are caught up "running," however, it's often what I would call negative running!  Think of running as busyness...getting up and scrambling to get ready for work and get kids to school...working all day...then on the go after work running errands, kid's activities, meeting up with people...then the weekends packed with plans running around from A to B to C often with no end in sight.  Then, with the little pockets of down time one gets, they are parked in front of the tv or computer or phone just vegging.  

You see, busyness can be a disease that keeps you running around all the time but never RUNNING!  It can keep you (like the weather) in a constant state of just reacting to your life and never RESPONDING with calculated decisions that improve the quality (health) of your life!  Those decisions could be exercising, doing physical activities, making wise food choices, eliminating (instead of accepting) various types of toxins in your life or that you are exposed to!  

Furthermore, you could be the Gazelle...always running from something but never CHASING ANYTHING!  You could be the Lion...always running after something but maybe not catching anything!  It is possible you could be busy running with no real victory in sight!  At some point, I assure you, that if you don't place urgency on your health and RUN after your health, it will CHASE you down.  The last thing you want is to have not prepared for a health storm that could have been prevented!  

"The best time to fix the roof is when the sun is shining!"  So, I urge you to put your "busyness" in check and get busy giving your health some attention before that "roof" starts leaking!  Make it a top priority as if you have gotten a warning about an impending storm!  There is still time to PREP!  You will never regret the prepping, but will always regret the lack of prepping!  

The bottom line is that something may need to change in order to CHANGE the type of running you are doing!  And, last, you don't have to go sprinting out of the gates.  No matter how slow you start off getting healthier, you are still "lapping the person sitting on the couch!"  

Your Defeat The Fat Coach,

Clayton Halls

Monday, August 20, 2018

Obstacle vs Opportunity

One of my hobbies is to run in obstacle races or mud runs like the Tough Mudder!  These events have no shortage of obstacles that are put in your path! 

What I have found is greater than the actual physical aspect of the obstacle is the mental aspect!  Now, don't get me wrong, the physical component in these obstacles is sometimes very challenging as you can feel your muscles cramping or fatiguing or your energy level is depleted or your heart rate is through the roof!  However, what is even more detrimental to whether or not you will complete the obstacle successfully is your mindset going into the obstacle. 

Case in point:

4 years ago myself and a team of guys I put together ran our 1st Tough Mudder!  One of the obstacles was one called Mt Everest!  It is a 15 foot curved wall that has a slippery surface which you have to run and jump up to grab the ledge.  The help of others to pull you up after you jump and reach was much more likely than not.  Many could not complete this obstacle due to how slippery the running surface was and not fully committing mentally to the run and jump and grab!  I tried 5 times and came crashing and sliding back down.  It wears on you mentally and physically but I was determined to complete it so I went again and finally on my 6th time I made it with the help of those at the top pulling you up! I must admit though that I am not sure how many more attempts I had left in me because my mind was starting to "talk" to me!  But, nevertheless, I did it!  Here is what I'm talking about if you want to see it for yourself...

Now, fast forward 2 years and we decided to get the team together and do it again.  This time they had a new and improved version of Mt. Everest.  The word on the street was that it was harder...the wall was a little higher and they rounded out the top ledge so you couldn't jump and grab would have to rely solely on the people at the top hopefully catching you and pulling you up! 

When we approached this obstacle, I had convinced myself that it was an opportunity to accomplish something against the odds instead of playing in my mind off past experience with this obstacle and what people were saying and even the voices in my head trying to tell me I couldn't do it!  I had made a decision that I would embrace this obstacle and beat the odds.  That even though this one was harder and I had a difficult time with the 1st one, that I would go all in with everything I holding listening to what others were thinking I will try to do this! 

My mental position was that I WAS going to do this and that there was a victory waiting just on the other side! 

That victory is like your victory every time you get through your workout no matter how you feel or what voices are going off in your head or every time you choose to have skip the fries and eat the apple instead.  You will succeed long-term when you get yourself to a place in your mind that each workout that you do is an OPPORTUNITY to get healthier, more fit, feel better and burn calories and that each time you eat is an OPPORTUNITY to move closer to your health/fitness/weightloss goals. 
Instead of dreading the exercise or the apple as a 15 foot slippery wall standing in front of you and trying to defeat you, think of that wall as an opportunity for VICTORY! 

As I have been saying, change your mind and then change your body!  When you diet, you are not changing your are just following something temporarily that only changes your body temporarily!  That is what I call the Diet Disease!  It is a disease that approaches weight loss like an obstacle and not an opportunity! 

I will leave you with this...

As the pessimist and optimist were arguing over whether the glass was half full or half empty, the opportunist drank it!  Become the opportunist!  Don't sit around analyzing your perceived obstacles, move boldly towards OPPORTUNITY! 

Your Defeat The Fat Coach,


Monday, July 9, 2018

DE-program Before You RE-program!

You could really apply this principle to just about anything, but I want to specifically apply it to weight loss and health!  So many people fall into the INSANITY CYCLE of thinking that the latest new weight loss program or health fad will be their ticket to:

Finally getting the weight off that has been handing around for years... 


Achieving the ever so elusive optimum health...

Here's the trick...although that latest, greatest program may indeed be great or the newest health fad may actually help improve one's health...


What I mean by that is if you haven't DE-PROGRAMMED your mind and core belief system, no RE-PROGRAM; no matter how good; will stick long-term!  Think of it this way...

Over time, your computer collects a lot of JUNK on it!  Spyware, malware, viruses, stored data, outdated software, memory overload, etc.  Because these things are HARD-WIRED on the computer, they will affect day to day operation anytime you use it!  And, just because you get the latest SUPER version of Windows with all the bells and whistles, it doesn't start your computer from a clean slate!  It doesn't all of a sudden run the exact way you desire and hope it should run just because of this great new program you have ADDED to the "damaged or diseased" computer right!?

What you need to do is UNINSTALL some pre-existing programs, remove all viruses, spyware, malware, etc., and CLEAN UP the computer BEFORE you re-program!  The new program WILL NOT work as intended if it has to COMPETE with pre-existing conditions on the HARD DRIVE!

Are you getting my point?  If you truly want to see CHANGE in your body LONG-TERM, you must first UNINSTALL the previous mindset of all the behaviors and beliefs (fear, doubt, hate, unforgiveness, anger, LIES) that lead to you being overweight and unhealthy!  All the JUNK in your brain such as eating for reasons other than being hungry, punishing yourself because of perceived things in the past or how you feel presently, eating foods to try to cover past hurt you experienced, not putting any value on exercise or healthy living, believing your lifestyle is either good enough or that you don't deserve better, etc.  These are all viruses, spyware, malware in your brain that will never let you have a successful RE-PROGRAM unless you first DE-PROGRAM these mindsets, beliefs, past hurts, etc.

Wipe the slate CLEAN through prayer, surrounding yourself with the right people, reading some encouraging and revelational books, declaring TRUTHS over you life, identifying and eliminating bad habits that prevent you from de-programming!  Once you have found your way and have a NEW HARD DRIVE, you can then LOAD the NEW PROGRAM and see LIFESTYLE results like you never have before!

I charge you to STOP thinking all you need is a RE-PROGRAM to change your body and health!  Don't load something good onto something bad!  YOU CAN'T POUR FRESH WINE INTO OLD WINESKINS!   There you have it!  Find that DE-PROGRAM button and HIT it FIRST!  Once your COMPUTER is FREE of the viruses, spyware, malware...THEN, add the RIGHT PROGRAM and you will be well on your way!



Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Maybe It's Not The NEXT Thing, But The LAST Thing

As a fitness professional, we encounter this situation sometimes:

Trainer: Follow this program strictly for 6 weeks and then come back and talk to me.

Client:  Ok, I will do it...I'm ready for a change and I will do my best!

(6 or more weeks later)

Client: I got off track, but I am now ready for a new program...something fresh that will get me results!

Trainer: But, you don't need a new and fresh program to get results!

Client:  What do you mean?  What should I do then??

Trainer: the LAST program I gave you that you never finished (or barely started)!

You see, giving up on one thing DOES NOT qualify you to be able to start a new thing!  Yeah, I understand that maybe the last thing was something that you shouldn't have been doing in the first place like a definitely don't go back and try that again because you will continue to fail with that! 

What I am talking about are the healthy decisions or habits you were making before for a period (however small) of time that you gave up on!  This idea that there is some new magical unicorn plan out there that will get you quick results and that you will be able to bypass healthy LIFESTYLE choices to get there is a complete fabrication! 

Because the last plan, program, healthy lifestyle choices didn't "work" for you because you chose to only commit to short-term doesn't translate into that plan, program or healthy lifestyle choices not working long-term!  As I like to say...

"The bookends of true change are commitment & consistency!"  

You will never see lasting change until you commit to the right plan, program or healthy lifestyle choices and then be consistent with that commitment over the long-term!  NO real change will ever take place if it is short-lived no matter how good the "new and fresh plan" is! 

A marketing trick actually just came to mind right now!  When something is advertised as "new" or "fresh."  Those words appeal to people!  They stimulate our senses and set off our "feel good" hormones!  We jump at those things thinking they will be exactly what we need in the moment, but all the while, the thing we often really need is something that has become "old and stale!" 

It became old and stale because you put it down and let it get moldy!

Just because something has a "perceived" mold on it, doesn't mean it is no good!  Think of blue cheese for example!  Just maybe that healthy habit or lifestyle plan you had going in the past is the very thing you need to pick back up and do again!  But this time with commitment and consistency!  This time, don't give up and don't be put off because there is "mold" on the last thing!  I have told many before that you could have a "new and fresh" cow pie, but that doesn't make it any better!

ACTION Step:  Take a look back and identify ONE healthy habit you used to do but gave up on for whatever reason and PICK that habit back up and start it TODAY! 

Your Health & Fitness Coach,



Tuesday, May 8, 2018

The "Credit Card" Diet

Eating credit cards?  Well, that would cause "weight loss," but that is not what I am talking about!

Let me start by giving you a real life scenario that happens all too often...(happened to me too)...

Your going to college and working, but still tight on money because you are only able to work so much as to not take away from your studies (and social life)!  One day, you go down to the post office to check your mailbox and there is a letter from a credit card company offering you "free money!"  With no real understanding of how interest works and that money has to be paid back, you excitedly fill out the form for your "free money" and send it off eagerly awaiting that magical piece of plastic to come in the mail!  When it comes, you rip open the envelope and have already made a list of what you are going to buy.  You go on a spree and all that nice stuff you are buying is looking good and making you feel good at the moment.  But, fast forward a couple months down the road and now your credit card is maxed out and you have received your first credit card BILL!  You seem surprised when you see the amount you owe and that amount is not MORE than the limit!  You start doing the math and realize that just paying the minimum payment won't pay the card off for 30 years!

Fast forward say a couple years and you somehow managed to pay off the credit card balance in full by making extra payments.  The sting of seeing that credit card maxed out and realizing you actually had to pay it back has now faded, so what do you do??  You get another credit card with a higher limit and then max that one out too!  You see the vicious cycle?  And, do you see that the next time was worse than the previous time?

Now that you have that picture in your brain, think of dieting the same way!  You get lured into a diet by a book you read, a person you talked to, something you saw on TV or in a magazine, etc.  The diet is like that shiny plastic credit card.  You start thinking of all the pounds you are going to drop and how good you are going to look and feel.  You can't wait to start knowing how gratifying it will be seeing that scale go down...possibly even after the 1st day!  For the next several weeks, your new weight loss has got you excited and you flaunt it as if it's a new piece of merchandise you just bought!  You are feeling great in the moment!  Fast forward to when you get your first "weight loss bill"!  In other words, when you step on that scale and it has stopped going down and then you take your body-fat% and come to the cold realization that the "weight" you "lost" now has INTEREST attached to it and there is a DEBT to be repaid!  That debt you have is the MUSCLE you lost (60-70% of the weight on the scale) and the "interest" is that your metabolism is now slower and won't burn as many calories each day!

Fast forward months down the road and you have gained all the weight back, BUT, the debt has not been fully paid because you didn't just gain all the muscle you lost back, you gained fat!  But, some time goes by and all you remember is how good that diet made you feel because you were "losing" weight!"  You see the cycle?  And, each time you do another "credit card diet," your metabolism takes more of a beating just like your credit takes a beating when you max out credit cards.  It can take years to recover!

So, let's cut to the chase!  IF you want to stop going into debt and paying interest and live debt-free (fat-free), you need to STOP DIETING!  Dieting WILL rob you of long-term weight loss success and will keep you in debt until the day you die!  If you are READY to cut up the "credit cards" and start living a sustainable lifestyle, it's time to get serious about a real weight loss plan that works and that will PAY YOU INTEREST!    #micdrop

Your Health and Fitness Coach,


Tuesday, April 3, 2018

WHAT Are You Waiting For???

A heart attack?

Bodyfat% to be in the "danger zone?"

A horrible doctor's report?  


Realizing you can't do something you used to be able to do?

Don't you know, the best time to "fix the roof" is when the "sun is shining!" 

Why wait until it is "pouring rain" before you decide to make a healthy lifestyle change?  Yeah, I know, a healthy lifestyle change requires some work, commitment, consistency and some changes!  But, that sure beats the alternative right?  Maybe this will help put it into perspective...

There was a stubborn guy who ate whatever he wanted, his vegetables were french fries, his fruit was blueberry donuts, his exercise was his thumb channel/computer surfing on the couch and about the only physical activity he got was the walk to the mailbox and back. 

One day, he found himself on a rooftop being confronted by someone who meant business.  This person gave him an ultimatum as it had come to that point.  Think of it as his last chance to fix the roof before the big downpour came!  So, the man who meant business on the rooftop said, "you have 2 choices and you must choose 1 now!  Either you change your ways and adopt a healthy lifestyle or I am going to force you off this rooftop to take your chances." 

The stubborn man then said, "I will not change my ways...this has to be a joke!"  Then, ALL OF A SUDDEN, the stubborn, unwilling man found himself falling off the roof.  His last words were, "so far so good!" 

Now, I realize that may be a little extreme for some, but a very true reality for others!  I know personal stories of those whose health got the best of them and watched them struggle to survive or get taken too early from this life!  We only have about 80-90 years or so on this planet so why not give ourselves the best chance possible to maximize that time? 

I have been told before that I could walk out tomorrow and get hit by a bus and die so what good was living a healthy lifestyle?  My response back to them was that I can only control what I can control and I can't control what I can't!  In other words, when it's my time to go, it's my time, but what if my time isn't until I'm 100?  If I live that long I want to be able to still have quality of life.  You see, I don't do what I do to try to live as long as I can because I don't have full control over that; I do what I do to live as QUALITY as I can while I'm still alive! 

We have a lot of things to stress about in this life, but why should health be one of them?  We have the ability to take control of our health and live a better life because of it!  As a natural doctor that I know says, "we only get 1 'earth suit' so wear it well!"  I want to live the best life I can while I'm still alive so a big part of that is staying physically healthy. 

Of course, there is also mental, emotional, relational, spiritual health as well, but I guarantee you that if you get struck with a serious health condition, it will instantly jump to the front of the line and can end up dominating your life AND those loved ones around you!  This opens up another can...which is if we don't take care of our health, eventually, we will force others around us to have to!  It then puts incredible stress and hardship on loved ones/caregivers in our world to now have to help us because we chose for many years to not help ourselves in the area of our health! 

If I'm going to be alive, I want to have the best quality of life that I can within my control!  A healthy lifestyle doesn't ensure your life will be great and you will have no problems, but it can only make your life better from whatever place you are in!  A former boss of mine said one time to me, "money isn't the answer to everything, but it sure helps to have it."  In the same way, a healthy lifestyle isn't the answer to everything, but it sure makes your life better if you live it! 

My challenge to you is to start TODAY by incorporating 1 healthier choice/habit daily and build from there!  It may or may not help you live longer, but I guarantee you that it will help you live better! 

Your health and fitness coach,


Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Comfort Weight Loss


Please let me explain!  An all to familiar phrase is "comfort foods."  You know...those foods one eats that are associated with making them feel better or intertwined with emotions.  They are the "go-to" foods and EASY to eat when one decides to choose comfort instead of something that requires a harder decision such as eating the apple instead of the ice cream!

Well, I just made about 4 of my points with that last little paragraph when you shift to thinking of "comfort weight loss."  Yes, this is a phrase I came up with because I have seen it 1,000 times...maybe more!

Someone decides they are going to try to start losing weight again...could be their 2nd, 10th or 20th time!  Throwing all logic and reason out the window, they make an EMOTIONAL decision to go on another diet...likely the same or similar one they tried the last time and time before that!  They remember how it made them FEEL initially...the "honeymoon" phase of weight loss!  Vivid thoughts of how that scale went down so fast and it made them excited because after-all, it doesn't matter what kind of weight you are losing as long as you are losing right?

They think of how nice it was to be wearing smaller sizes, the attention they got, the perceived success of a number of pounds SEEMINGLY gone...forever!  It's as if reality is suspended and plum sugar fairies are dancing in their heads (which could also be from the thought of another no carb crash diet because the body will crave sugar if you starve it of carbs but that is another story).

Somehow, they think the 10th time will be magical and the weight will stay off this time!  It is a comfortable and EASY decision because THEY KNOW short term weight loss is inevitable and they will get those feel good feelings seeing the scale go down fast.  They know it "worked" last time (at least for 12 weeks) so here it is...


The same with comfort get all giddy when you know you are going to be eating it, then when you are eating it you have all sorts of feel good receptors going off in the brain; then comes post-comfort food when reality sets are stuffed, lethargic, feeling guilty, vowing you will not do that again, etc.

Think of the diets and rapid weight start getting excited at the thought of weighing less, then when you are dieting and seeing the scale go down, your brain is activated with all these good emotions of getting lighter; then the post-diet reality sets in (could be 12 weeks or even more) where you realize the diet wasn't maintainable, nor was the weight loss.  You lost 30, 40 or 50 pounds but didn't realize that your bodyfat % didn't go down as it should have to correspond with the weight lost.

I hate to break it to you, but the comfort weight loss feels good temporarily, but in reality, it is mainly muscle and water you are flushing down the toilet which is not sustainable.

Anytime the word "comfort" is being used, you can be assured that it will likely not benefit you long-term!  IF you want to lose REAL and SUSTAINABLE weight, you have to get OUT OF YOUR COMFORT ZONE!

Your Health & Fitness Coach,


Monday, February 12, 2018

Which Is Better For Fat Loss: "Hours In The Gym" or "Just Minutes Per Day??"


The hours in the gym lie is tied to the workout extremists!  The ones who live and breathe at the gym or those with a lot of free time on their hands.  Many get duped into believing the only way to burn fat off is to spend countless hours on an elliptical, treadmill, bike, rower or taking back to back exercise classes!  They are sold the notion that more exercise equals more calories burned which means more fat loss!  It sounds good in theory, but the truth is that is not how the body works.  Well, it only works that way to a certain point, but then too much exercise (usually exercise lasting over 60 minutes continuous) starts to stress the body out and it releases FAT-STORING hormones.  So then, what is burned when the body is in this stressed-out-state?  MUSCLE...more specifically, your body starts pulling the stored glycogen out of your muscles for energy in addition to putting a governor on the metabolism so even if you were burning fat, it would be a limited amount.  Once you start tapping into your muscle for energy, you begin running the opposite direction of long-term fat loss!

But what about the dreamy promise of "just minutes a day?"  It sells books, gets a lot of views and bites online!  Being sold the idea of minutes per day or easy puts people in a hypnotic trance suspending reality!  If you hear someone tell you just minutes per!!!  I have seen as little as 3 minutes a day up to maybe 10 or 15 max when this idea is sold of less is better.  The truth is that less IS better...but only to an extent!  As I mentioned, over 60 minutes can be counter-productive (unless you are specifically training for a long distance event) but why would we jump to the other end of the spectrum and somehow think minutes a day is going to yield big results with so little time?

So what do you do?  If over 60 minutes is too long and up to 15 minutes is too short?  My answer is at least 30 minutes and up to 60 minutes at least 3 times per week as long as intensity is right!  Intensity is not entirely based on heart rate, but breathing rate or VO2.  A simple way to establish a ballpark VO2 durning exercise is if you can't say a full sentence without needing to take a deep breath, then you are not exercising hard enough.  At that point of intensity, it is roughly considered 80% of VO2 max.  You need to average 80% of VO2 max for at least 30 minutes and up to 60 minutes at least 3 times per week.  This gives you not only tremendous cardiovascular benefit, but also unlocks EPOC (Exercise Post Oxygen Consumption) which simplified means the length of time it takes your body to get back to "normal" after exercise.  This process utilizes fat for energy and can lead to significant fat-burning.

For example, TORCH, my 6 week online fat-burning program that I am releasing next month, has you doing 3 full-body plus cardio workouts per week of 30-45 minutes at 80-90% of your VO2!  I promise you that if you follow this exercise protocol, in addition to a proper (non-calorie counting) nutrition plan, and do it CONSISTENTLY, you WILL see fat MELT off!

Your Fitness Coach,


Monday, January 22, 2018

What Is The BEST Fat-Burning Exercise???


Truth is, there are A LOT of different ways to burn fat, but NONE of them burn fat if you don't do them!  I mean, no matter what you do, you will still be doing laps around the person sitting on the couch! 

Don't get so hung up on what specific things you should do...just DO...something...for goodness sake!  And...GET A STREAK GOING!  That's right...get a certain number of days in a row of doing "your something" and once you hit that goal, THEN add to it!  I suggest 21 days for a streak to prove to yourself you are serious! 

If you can't do the small thing like brisk walk for 5-10 minutes a day, how do you expect to do the big thing like High Intensity Interval Training for 30-45 minutes 5 days a week?  Furthermore, what good would it be to do HIIT training just on days or weeks you felt like it?  Or, maybe you would never feel like doing it so it would remain just a THEORY that it is the "best fat-burning" exercise! 

You see, no matter how many "best" pieces of information you have, they will do you very little good if you don't put that info into ACTION consistently!  Also, anything you do CONSISTENTLY will get you good least for awhile! 

Once you have achieved your STREAK of one thing...anything...THEN it's time to step it up with a little more challenging streak and you can get into having multiple streaks going!  Before you know it, you will have better habits developed! 

I would choose something that you find at least slightly enjoyable or something you have a little accountability with whether it's a class, a person, an app or social media!  I suggest getting a whiteboard and keeping track of your streak(s) on it daily!  Cheers to some good "streaking!"

Your Fitness Coach