Monday, April 4, 2011

Spring Cleaning

     Spring is a perfect time to not only do some deep cleaning, but also to do some serious revamping.  I'm not talking about decluttering your house, throwing junk out and shifting furniture around...I'm talking about decluttering your body, cleaning your cupboards out and shifting your mindset.  Lets start with decluttering your body.
     Most peoples' bodies are like toxic factories.  Unfortuneately, toxins store in the fat, most people have too much fat and are doing too little to get rid of that fat.  Furthermore, the average person is exposed to over 500 toxins per day from the air we breathe, to the food we eat, to the things we drink to the stress we have.  Also consider that the average person has 2-10 stored meals sitting in their colon at any given time.  The worst part is that most people are not extinguishing these toxins from their body.  Instead they are giving them a nice, warm, cozy place to live and multiply.  This obviously has many serious health implications that I will not get into in this blog.  I simply want to inform people to develop a plan of action to eliminate these toxins on a daily basis so you can live a better quality life.  Our bodies were not designed to be a toxic dump site.  The first step in cleaning out the toxins is a five letter word for many of you...WATER.  You need at least 64 oz per day, but should ideally be at half your bodyweight in ounces per day.  What do you count as water?  Well, as the saying goes, "if you wouldn't wash your face in it, don't count it as water."  Also, it should be filtered water free of chlorine, flouride and many other very harmful chemicals that get into the water.  Next, you should be eating most of your foods from God-made sources, not man-made.  Processed foods are little toxic warehouses.  They are a double whammy!  They will make you fat and give you an abundance of toxins to store in that fat.  The bottom line is that you need to eat real, high fiber foods as close to the way they are in nature as possible.  The more organic the better as well so you avoid the harsh chemicals and soil conditions filling our plants with awful toxins.  If you need nutritional help, then seek a professional that is PRACTICING WHAT THEY PREACH.  Next, no matter how good you eat, you WILL be missing many important nutrients so WHOLE FOOD supplementation is a must.  You need daily supplementation that will alkalize, detoxify, fill nutritional gaps and balance the immune system.  Failure to take this seriously will lead to health problems.  A great website to check out for supplementation is  The last thing I will mention is exercise.  Sweating out toxins is excellent!  Even better is the fact that exercise will help control stress giving you a better outlook on life and more confidence.  Stress in the body releases toxic substance that will destroy your body over time.  Exercise is crucial for regular detoxing as well as toxin control. 

     The last 2 things I will lump together and be brief about although they are vitally your cupboards out and shifting your mindset.  Lets face it, if you have bad food and drinks in the cupboards, you WILL consume them.  So, get rid of them!  Don't use them up until they are gone...just get rid of them...NOW!  They will not do you any good.  You need to revamp what's in your cupboards and fridge.  If you only have healthy food and drinks around...guess will only consume healthy food and drinks.  If you need to splurge every now and then, go out and get it and then it's gone.  If you bring the cake home, you will keep eating it every day until it's gone.  Believe me, I know how that works because I have seen many food logs to prove it.  This also goes along with a shift in mindset.  If you hold onto the past, your hands won't be wide open to grab your future.  (If you hold onto bad foods/drinks/habits, you will never change your body or your health.)  You have to decide how bad you want it!  You spring clean your house, your office, your car...etc.  Why not spring clean your body?  Spring is the perfect time to get your body detoxified and KEEP it detoxified as well as revamping how you shop at the grocery store and shifting how you think about your body and health.  Do you want your body to be a toxic dump site or a flourishing garden of health?  Go after the body you were designed to have and don't settle for less!