Thursday, September 8, 2011

Cave Man Diet?

Although I do feel like many people are "in a cave" when it comes to fueling their bodies, I want to make one thing crystal can't eat like a cave man because they NEVER EXISTED.  There are a couple diets circulating out there that talk about "eating like your ancient ancestors."  If you see this, run away as fast as you can.  They are trying to tell you to eat like partial-human creatures that lived millions of years ago that never really existed...well, only according to their made up THEORY.  Why would anyone want to eat like a partial-human ancestor that is fabricated to fit some ridiculous theory that has as many flaws in it as years that it is long?  I'm sorry, but my great great great great great, etc. grandpa was not an ape that lived millions and billions of years ago that evolved from slime in the premordial soup that came out of nowhere from a microscopic dot.  ALL of the science and miracles point to Adam and Eve roughly 6,000 plus years ago.  When you weigh all of the evidence (and there is OVERWHELMING and UNSHAKABLE evidence if you actually look for it), you find that this is a fact and the TRUTH.  So, when we take our nutrtion back to the beginning with Adam and Eve, we can safely assume that their nutrition was the healthiest and best possible.  They ate a WIDE variety of plants...fruits, vegetables, herbs, unprocessed whole grains, legumes, nuts and seeds in their naturally occuring state without any chemicals or anything artificial.  Furthermore, the soil conditions were perfect.  They ate nutrient-dense food straight from nature.  They also didn't eat meat, which is loaded with so many harmful toxins these days.  Now, I am not promoting being a vegetarian because I am a meat lover, but I have to admit that it is the cleanest way to eat in line with the way God originally designed our bodies.  One exception to this is fish that is caught from its natural habitat that comes from the most unpolluted waters.  In the time of Jesus on earth, we see that fish was a regular staple.  So, fish is the one exception to not eating meat. 

As we can see, when you bring nutrtion back to its beginning, it really is quite simple.  Only eat foods you can find in their naturally occurring state.  Eat mainly God-made plant-based foods with the exception of fish and I will throw in eggs as long as they are cafe-free, grass/vegetable fed, hormone/anti-biotic/steroid free chickens laying those eggs.  If we look back to historic biblical times, we will see that the life expectancy was significantly higher than today.  They didn't have all the "advances" in medical technology and water purification that we have today, but they didn't need them because they only put natural things into their bodies and they MOVED several miles everyday and stayed active.  Of course, the air was a lot cleaner and they had a lot less things to stress about as well.  Anyhow, my point is that yes, the bible tells us so.  The bible tells us exactly how to eat...not some silly scientist talking about our fairy tale ancestors, not some MD that writes a book that has no nutrition education, not any program that promises fantasy weight loss right away, etc.  If you want to be healthy and lean, the bible provides a great foundation.  Don't let your brain get in the way of the truth.  You will just complicate something that was designed to be simple.

Now, I will finish by saying that I realize it is hard for most people to follow something like this and that is why they continue to look for other ways...grasping at lies and gimmicks.  You don't have to follow this plan 100% as we are not perfect.  The idea is to try to follow it 90% of the time and leave yourself 10% room for error.  Even if you have to start at 50/50%, that is fine.  Start where you are and work towards a healthier foundation.  Decide to be a good steward over the only physical body you will ever get.