Monday, August 8, 2011

Clean Your Pipes

As it is said, "The Road To Health Is Paved With Good Intestines." 

What kind of road are you paving with your health? 

In a world so infatuated with weight loss, DIEts, and man-made processed foods and drinks, regularity often goes flying under the radar.  Furthermore, it is an area that many people are embarrassed to talk about in addition to not understanding the importance of it.  Most of the people I encounter through public speaking and consultations not only not know what it means to be regular, but also are NOT regular.  I have heard many people say that as long as you have 1 bowel movement per day you are regular.  Well, I'd like for you to think about a cat or dog for a second.....they usually go to the bathroom after everytime they eat.  So, why don't we?  The truth is that the Standard American Diet (SAD) consists of very little of the high fiber foods that actually clean out the intestines and a lot of foods that tend to store up in the intestines.  The typical person walking around (well, probably sitting) has 2-10 stored meals in their colon at any given time. That is 2-10lbs of stored up toxic waste.  That is a big load of CRAP!  That CRAP can cause mal-absorbtion, which is an inability to absorb important nutrients into the body.  It can also cause a severly weakened immune system leading to many sicknesses and diseases including cancers.  Furthermore, it can cause a multitude of skin conditions and other health problems and can put a huge roadblock in weight loss because your body doesn't burn fat efficiently when it is a TOXIC dumpsite.  Last, because of all these toxins hanging out in your body, your liver can take beating and your hormones can get out of whack. 

So, for starters, you have to AT LEAST have 18 inches per day coming out to even be considered for being regular.  Even if one goes everyday, it doesn't qualify one for being regular.  This is because even if you consume mostly processed man-made foods, your body is still smart enough to eliminate some of that junk, but certainly not all of it.  Over time, it builds up and the toxic levels in your body can become radioactive.  In other words, if you go too long without keeping yourself detoxed, you will inevitably experience some severe health issues.  There is a reason why colon cancer is sometimes referred to as the "silent killer."  It sneaks up on people and happens very subtly over the course of years, but once it happens, it is in full force in the body.  I mean, what do you think would happen to a car if you continually put garbage juice in it for fuel, never got an oil change and let all of the sludge keep building up?  Your car is either going to break down or die on you and even if it runs for awhile, it is going to have very poor performance. 

If you want to avoid becoming a statistic and walking around with a TOXIC dumpsite in your body and having a very weakened immune system (over half of your immune system is in your colon), you need to take action.  A good start is a plant-based supplement to get you cleaned out from months or years of toxic build up.  Then you need to consider eating 7-10 servings of organic fruits and vegetables everyday as well as 7-10 servings of unprocessed whole grains like sprouted grain products, quinoa, steel cut oats, whole grain rice, etc.  You also need to consume around half your bodyweight in ounces of purified/filtered water daily.  Water helps in the elimination process of hundreds of daily toxins you are exposed to or have stored up in the fat cells.  Next, you need to strongly consider supplementing with an alkalizing and detoxifying superfood/herb complex.  Last, you need to exercise as the movement helps your body "breakup" stuff and eliminate more efficiently over time. 

It's time to get "super regular" so you can be super healthy.  It will help with metabolizing fat, feeling better and being more energized, looking better and performing better day to day.  Don't neglect this crucial area of health (& weight loss).  It is one of the top 3 areas I consider when dealing with anyone that is trying to improve their health and fitness.  Aren't you tired only going once or twice a week (CONSTIPATION), dropping rabbit turds or torpedos, having to spend 30 minutes in the bathroom just to get something out or having to push so hard it feels like you are giving birth?  Quit torturing yourself and get your DANG pipes may even lose 5-10lbs BACKUP in your first month in addition to your other weight loss.   And that's the poop scoop!

Clayton Halls