Thursday, April 2, 2015

Get Healthier & Live Better With My Personal Top 10 List


Are you ready to take control of your health?  Are you tired of feeling like CRAP?  Is the medical system failing you?  Do you not know what steps to take?  No worries mate...follow these 10 principles and you will be kicking disease/sickness to the curb, turning back years, looking and feeling younger, getting super fit, and transforming your body inside and out.  So here it is.. my top 10 ways to achieve optimum health and vitality...

1.  Pray regularly and hang around others who do as well.
2.  Drink 1/2 your bodyweight in ounces or up to 120 ounces daily of filtered/purified water that is free of heavy metals, chlorine and fluoride.
3.  Avoid GMO (Genetically Modified) foods and eat a variety of preferably organic produce like spinach, broccoli, berries, avocados, tomatoes, apples, etc., unprocessed whole grains like quinoa or steel cut oats, raw nuts and seeds, legumes/lentils, healthy cold-processed virgin oils like coconut and olive, grass-fed/farm-raised/hormone and anti-biotic free organic meats, wild salmon, omega 3 loaded tuna, free range eggs and if you consume dairy, make sure it is raw/semi-raw/grass-fed or don't consume at all with the exception of unsweetened Greek yogurt.
4.  Say NO to drugs (of course "street drugs" but also PHARMACEUTICALS)
5.  Supplement daily with a HIGH QUALITY multi-nutrient complex, Greens powder and fish oil.
     AND, don't just supplement with Vitamin D, get out into the sun regularly, but be wise about it. 
6.  Avoid unnecessary and harmful exposure to chemicals/toxins in things like many household products, environmental, vaccinations (especially the flu shot), and radiation.
7.  Ensure that you get 7-9 hours of high quality sleep most nights.  There are many things that can get in the way of this and you have control over just about all of them.
8.  Don't hold onto negative feelings, thoughts, emotions, past experiences, etc.  Things like anger, unforgiveness, bitterness, past pain, jealousy, grief, worry, unhealthy relationships, etc., will eat away at the body and can cause sickness and disease.  In addition to this, find something you are passionate about and LOVE to do and do it regularly as an outlet to release negativity and feel your best.
9.  Exercise at a moderate to high intensity most days of the week and include cardio intervals and full body strength training and conditioning.

10.  Be generous and kind and love people including yourself.  Don't be selfish and self-serving, but continually pour yourself into those around you in the best ways you know how.  Give everything your best and expect the best...don't just hope for it.  Continually declare TRUTH over your life and those around you.  Believe the best and put your hope in something larger than yourself!  Be blessed!

There you have it!  Now you have MOST of my secrets!  :-)  Of course there is a lot more to say on most of these things, but you get the general idea.  Getting healthy shouldn't be a mystery and it IS attainable for everyone!  Now,time to get busy getting healthy!  You only get 1 body and 1 might as well take good care of your body so you can live this life better and more fulfilled!