Tuesday, September 15, 2015

FALL Into Health With 36 Ways To Improve Your Health

                      "What you put into your body, mind and spirit; you become."  ~CH

There is only 1 week left in summer; so a NEW season is about to begin!  Do you want it to be a new season of your life or same old same old?  Are you ready for a change or a fresh start?  If so, you have the option of making that a reality TODAY and the change of the seasons is not a bad time to start!  Here are 36 things (I just turned 36 so 1 for each year of my life)  that I do to help maintain/improve my health and are suggestions for you if you want to live a healthier life.  I am just giving you the bullet points, so if you want more info on any of these; please let me know and I will get it to you as I have plenty of resources.  And let's not forget that health is physical, mental AND spiritual!  Alright, here you go...

1) Take cold showers...physical, mental and spiritual benefits...

2) Play chess...mental exercise...

3) Drink non-chlorinated/non-fluoridated water.  Should drink half your bodyweight in ounces per day up to 200 lbs...then add a 1/4 ounce for every pound after 200.

4)  Don't eat/drink anything with aspartame in it!  READ THE LABELS!

5) Get regular sunshine on your skin as direct sun exposure (outside and no sunscreen with some skin exposed) at least 3 times per week for 15-20 minutes each time.

6) Take high quality supplements daily such as Greens, Multi-vitamin/mineral, fish oil and superfoods.  I use this supplement line for my daily needs www.defeatthefat.org

7)  Get 7-9 hours of quality sleep every night.

8)  Avoid vaccinations...especially the flu shot!

9)  Avoid medications...unless "absolutely necessary"

10)  Exercise most days of the week with a medium to high level of intensity including at least 2 strength workouts and 3 cardio workouts per week.

11)  Eat mainly, if not exclusively, NON-GMO foods!

12)  Eat a lot of healthy fats like most forms of coconut, avocados, nuts, seeds, quality wild salmon, free range/pastured eggs, etc.

13)  Avoid most sugar, fried foods and processed foods by eating organic as much as possible, preparing your own food and avoiding going out to eat most of the time.

14)  Eat an abundance of fiber-rich foods!

15)  Don't worry...pray!

16)  Don't hate...love!

17)  Don't hold grudges...forgive!

18)  Get PLANTED in a local church!

19)  Fill your mind with truth daily!

20)  Take regular vacations!

21)  Don't do everything cookie-cutter...break the mold and get off the "hamster wheel" as often as possible.

22)  Always have a challenge that you are working towards

23)  Get out of your comfort zone regularly...again, get off the hamster wheel.

24)  Engage in a hobby or 2 or 3 weekly

25)  Surround yourself with people who are going to lift you up!

26)  Be a blessing to people instead of always thinking about yourself and your needs.

27)  Don't be afraid to "crack a whip" every so often as necessary...I mean...even Jesus did this in the Temple!

28)  Keep the space you work and live in as clean and orderly as "possible."

29)  Minimize debt in your life and live below your means, but don't be afraid to GIVE "above your means."

30)  Do something you're passionate about...don't just have a job...don't just make a lot of money...don't just have a title...

31)  Appreciate what you have and be thankful; don't be ungrateful for what you don't have.

32)  Don't always be serious...don't always have fun...but find a balance between the two.

33)  Poop daily...

34)  Exercise your faith (you don't get muscles by skipping your "workout")

35)  Invest in the people you are close with...

36)  Do these things consistently!