Monday, July 9, 2018

DE-program Before You RE-program!

You could really apply this principle to just about anything, but I want to specifically apply it to weight loss and health!  So many people fall into the INSANITY CYCLE of thinking that the latest new weight loss program or health fad will be their ticket to:

Finally getting the weight off that has been handing around for years... 


Achieving the ever so elusive optimum health...

Here's the trick...although that latest, greatest program may indeed be great or the newest health fad may actually help improve one's health...


What I mean by that is if you haven't DE-PROGRAMMED your mind and core belief system, no RE-PROGRAM; no matter how good; will stick long-term!  Think of it this way...

Over time, your computer collects a lot of JUNK on it!  Spyware, malware, viruses, stored data, outdated software, memory overload, etc.  Because these things are HARD-WIRED on the computer, they will affect day to day operation anytime you use it!  And, just because you get the latest SUPER version of Windows with all the bells and whistles, it doesn't start your computer from a clean slate!  It doesn't all of a sudden run the exact way you desire and hope it should run just because of this great new program you have ADDED to the "damaged or diseased" computer right!?

What you need to do is UNINSTALL some pre-existing programs, remove all viruses, spyware, malware, etc., and CLEAN UP the computer BEFORE you re-program!  The new program WILL NOT work as intended if it has to COMPETE with pre-existing conditions on the HARD DRIVE!

Are you getting my point?  If you truly want to see CHANGE in your body LONG-TERM, you must first UNINSTALL the previous mindset of all the behaviors and beliefs (fear, doubt, hate, unforgiveness, anger, LIES) that lead to you being overweight and unhealthy!  All the JUNK in your brain such as eating for reasons other than being hungry, punishing yourself because of perceived things in the past or how you feel presently, eating foods to try to cover past hurt you experienced, not putting any value on exercise or healthy living, believing your lifestyle is either good enough or that you don't deserve better, etc.  These are all viruses, spyware, malware in your brain that will never let you have a successful RE-PROGRAM unless you first DE-PROGRAM these mindsets, beliefs, past hurts, etc.

Wipe the slate CLEAN through prayer, surrounding yourself with the right people, reading some encouraging and revelational books, declaring TRUTHS over you life, identifying and eliminating bad habits that prevent you from de-programming!  Once you have found your way and have a NEW HARD DRIVE, you can then LOAD the NEW PROGRAM and see LIFESTYLE results like you never have before!

I charge you to STOP thinking all you need is a RE-PROGRAM to change your body and health!  Don't load something good onto something bad!  YOU CAN'T POUR FRESH WINE INTO OLD WINESKINS!   There you have it!  Find that DE-PROGRAM button and HIT it FIRST!  Once your COMPUTER is FREE of the viruses, spyware, malware...THEN, add the RIGHT PROGRAM and you will be well on your way!



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