Monday, June 1, 2015

Do You Want To Be A Yo-Yo or Do You Want To Be An Anchor?

What's your choice?

Have you ever been vacuuming and had a stubborn little piece of something on the floor?  You move the vacuum over that thing 10...20...30 times and hit it from every angle.  That little devil is just not getting sucked up!  Don't you think it would be easier and more effective to just bend down and pick that thing up?  You could have gotten it on the FIRST TRY, but instead; what you thought was going to be the easiest way (because you didn't have to bend down and pick it up) ended up being more work, more time, less effective and probably frustrated you. AND, in the long term, that little stubborn thing is STILL on the floor!, let's shift that thinking to dieting and weight loss.  You have "stubborn" fat on your body.  You have tried 10...20...30 times with diets (calorie restriction/low carb, etc. etc.) pills, potions, plans, ab crunchers, "just minutes a day," or on the flip side--exercise overload, and every other angle of weight loss known to man...or so you think! You also think your weight loss method is the easiest and most effective way or you wouldn't be doing it right?  Who doesn't want easy and effective!?  If I were to guess, you have probably done this over and over again with no long-term results, but for some magical reason, you feel that THIS time it will work....this (21st) time of going over that little thing on the floor with the vacuum is going to finally get it!  My question to you is: how many more times are you going to "run the vacuum over that thing" before you DECIDE to bend down and pick that thing up for good?  In other words, if you CHOOSE the right way, you ONLY HAVE TO DO IT ONCE!  The truth is that you are making it much HARDER on yourself and LESS EFFECTIVE by dieting.  In the long run with dieting, you will have put in a lot of work with no results..."that stubborn little thing is STILL on the floor."

In my 15 years, I have seen hundreds, if not thousands, of people throw conventional wisdom and professional advice out the window in high hopes of one of these magical plans somehow over-riding the way the body was Created to work and yielding long-term results.  What is perceived as the easy and effective way in the short term, is really just a disguise FOR LONG-TERM FAILURE!

Now, there IS a way for LONG-TERM results and I have a little weight loss secret for you...lean in...  IT IS EASIER AND MORE EFFECTIVE THAN DIETING!  Instead of burning your muscles up and calling it weight loss, you will burn your fat up and see your bodyfat% drop significantly.  The secret is: IT'S NOT WHAT THE SCALE SAYS, IT'S WHAT THE BODYFAT ANALYSIS SAYS!  To make this happen, there will be no calorie counting, no calories in vs calories out, no calorie restriction, no carbohydrate depletion, no "just minutes a day," and no exercise overload.  However, I'm not saying it will be easy, but easier than dieting.  I'm also not saying you will see it being effective right away, but you WILL have LASTING and EFFECTIVE results!

There IS a right and wrong way to eat and a right and wrong way to exercise.  Yes, everyone is different and there are variations and specific considerations, but there are some concrete, foundational principles that apply to everyone.  The bottom line is that you have to decide if you want to be a yo-yo your whole life or an anchor?  Do you want to settle for the waves of dieting that make your body go up and down; up and down...or do you want to drop your anchor into something that will keep you grounded with long-term results?