Monday, March 2, 2015

Slow & Steady Finishes The Race; Healthy Momentum Wins First Place

I'm baaacck! Did you miss me? Kidding! I have been out of the blog game for 2 years but it's time to fire it back up again. I will be publishing a monthly blog at the beginning of each month that will focus on various aspects of fitness, nutrition, wellness and health. The mission will be to educate, motivate and inspire people to DEFEAT THE FAT in their lives so they can live healthier and better lives. So, let's get started!

March is an interesting month in the fitness world.  There are 2 dynamics going on!  First, you have most of the New Years resolutions dying off like the plague.  It is well-known among fitness professionals that the resolutions rarely last after 2 months.  All of the good intentions default back to bad habits.  The second dynamic is that you have the WAVE of people that have had the revelation that "skin season" (summer) is now around the corner and they are horrified with how much "skin" they are going to be showing.  This then causes them to resort to desperate measures...usually short-term fad diets, crazy fat-burning products, extreme exercise programs where they bite off more than they can chew, etc.  So basically, the healthy habits never get the momentum they need to get established and are laid to rest until "maybe somewhere in the future."  This then causes a default mindset to rise which is something like this:

I am not willing to make sacrifices NOW and establish LONG-TERM healthy habits because it is too hard, takes too long and I am not seeing results "fast enough."  So, I'm going to bypass science and truth and do it the way I feel best so that I can get (try to get) the short-term results I want now. And so the vicious yo-yo cycle begins again.  It's amazing that people will frown upon making healthy changes now and be consistent with those changes over say 6 months, 1 year, 2 years, etc. as if that is too much time to invest in getting results, YET, they will yo-yo diet/exercise for 20 years and get nowhere.  I see it too often where people will finally make some healthy changes, but then before those changes can even stick to become healthy habits, they default back to what they have been doing for years that has never given them any long-term results.

Think of the "debt snowball."  You start chipping away at 1 debt and it may seem like you are making little to no progress because there is so much debt and not a lot of money to pay it down in the short-term.  However, if you are CONSISTENT with paying it down over time you will not only put a big dent in it; you will eventually ELIMINATE it FOR GOOD!  Most people don't get that "snowball" rolling fast enough down the mountain to see that "debt" get paid off completely.  Furthermore, they never get to experience the "magic," which is once you switch your fat-burning switch on and KEEP IT ON, the momentum of the results picks up and compounds...just like interest...the more money you have the more interest you make.  Sadly, too many fall into the trap of hopping onto another mountain like dieting and end up going too fast down the mountain and crash versus a slow, steady pace that builds healthy momentum.  In other words...CRASH DIET!  And then there is the "I'm joining a gym" or "reactivating my membership."  Just like being a member of a church doesn't make you a christian, being a member of a gym doesn't equal fitness. It's also about the right mindset, proper exercise selection, appropriate intensity/time/frequency/sets/reps/rest.  It is not uncommon for people to basically quit their gym membership before it ever really gets started or follow a proper nutrition plan (not a diet) for a week or 2 and then throw in the towel.  The KEY is MOMENTUM doing the right things CONSISTENTLY over a long enough period of TIME to see the desired results.

The good news is that if I am speaking to YOU, no worries, because you can start your HEALTHY INVESTMENT today by getting into the right mindset, following the right nutrition plan and getting the right program design.  Regardless of how much "debt" you have tried to pay off in the past, how many crash diets you have been on or how many gym memberships you have purchased or re-activated, your DECISION today to start BUILDING MOMENTUM and getting that "debt snowball" rolling is WITHIN REACH.  If you establish the healthy foundation NOW, you can save yourself years of "accumulating debt."  ARE YOU READY to do it RIGHT and keep the LONG-TERM goal IN SIGHT?

In Health & Fitness,


P.S. And 1 more thing on the whole momentum idea...