First of all, my apologies for missing the blog last month...believe me, it was not because I had a lack of material to write about. I have actually begun work on a book that I hope to finish sometime in the latter part of next year. Anyhow, this month I want to highlight a MAJOR nutritional issue that is currently a hot topic and will only get hotter. In short, it boils down to greed and a complete lack of care for human lives from some individuals that have a lot of authority to make powerful decisions. As you can see by the title of this blog, I am talking specifically about Big Pharma (Personal Health of Americans Risked by Meds and Alliances), The FDA (Food and Death Association), and supplements specifically designed to improve nutrition and health.
One of the current issues at hand in the medical world is that they have no "latest and greatest cutting-edge" poison, I mean medicine, in the pipeline to boost their profits. So, what do they do? They turn on the nutritional supplement world in a money-hungry attempt to not only discredit nutritional supplements, but to try to pass legislature that would grossly OVER-regulate them making it extremely difficult for most of the companies to survive and keep the right supplements on the market with the exception of a few of the nutritional companies that are actually owned by.....Big Pharma companies. If the medical world (Big Pharma) and The government (FDA) join forces on this, it could be disaterous for American health. As most people should already know, Big Pharma, the FDA and the media are all "in bed with each other" as Big Pharma pays big bucks to the media to deceptively advertise, and they also pay off those in the FDA to approve their poison regardless of studies that showed the drugs to be dangerous. Do you know how many people died from Vioxx before they pulled it off the market? How about 50,000. It is an absolute crime what the FDA lets on the market and what Big Pharma pushes through in a complete ignorance of human life in order to gain big profits.
Now, getting back to the attack on nutritional supplements. The medical world has come out with some incredibly subjective, misleading and erroneous studies to try to show that...get this...that nutritional supplements are not only unneccessary, but also harmful. The medical world has the audacity to claim this all the while their meds kill off well over 100,000 people a year in addition to making hundreds of thousands more live with a reduced quality of life. Big Pharma also doesn't like the fact that nutritional supplements pull a lot of money away from them and they want that pie as well as the several they are already hoarding. If the American public only saw much of the behind the scenes cover ups on prescription drugs, artificial sweeteners, canola oil and hundreds of others that the FDA has unethically allowed onto the market and Big Pharma has PUSHED through, their would be no faith in meds or the FDA. The bottom line is that without nutritional supplements, this country's health would go much further down the tubes than it already has. Big Pharma and the FDA are helping to make Americans more unhealthy and that of course keeps them in business by profiting on destroying the health of many. I won't even get into chemo, radiation, unneccessary surgeries, vaccines and a disheartening lack of nutritional therapy in the medical world in this blog. I will stop here for now and leave you with one of the letters I wrote to the government in regards to the recent legislature that is trying to be PUSHED through in a very deceptive way. Here you go...
Dear Government Officials,
Senator Durbin’s proposed amendment regarding supplements is not only incredibly outrageous, but also dangerous to the health of Americans. Over half of Americans rely on supplements to promote better health and I am one of them. Senator Durbin obviously has a secret motive for trying to pass this bill which is probably getting a huge payout from one of the drug companies. If anything, he should go after the drugs that are killing hundreds of thousands of people every year. He wants to make it harder for people to be healthy, especially the lower class Americans and is not concerned with all the people dying from meds. That is scary to think that there is someone in a high political ranking that does not care about the health of Americans or them dying. It is mortifying to think of all the poisonous chemicals and toxins that the FDA allows into our foods, but they want to be overly strict when it comes to plant-based nutrients? The FDA and drug companies are corrupted by the all-mighty dollar and Senator Durbin is right there with them. Why would he care about supplements unless he is getting some BIG incentive behind the scenes? There is no logical explanation besides that. With the horrendous health-care (disease-care) system in our country and all the hazardous toxins they allow into our food and drink supply, we NEED supplements to ensure we stay healthy. If Senator Durbin actually cared about his fellow Americans and wanted to properly serve his country, he would be fighting against the FDA and Big Pharma that are killing off Amercians like the bubonic plague. Whatever his motives are, they are not good and he is abusing his power and trying to put Amercians' health in a very compromising situation. He shouldn't even have the right to propose something so ludicrous. The most likely worst case scenario with supplements is that someone just wastes their money on a bad one, but with medication, the worst case scenario is that people die. This proposed legislature needs to be stopped to protect the rights of Americans to be healthy. If Senator Durbin really wants to do something good for Americans, he needs to first realize the truth...that meds kill people and plant-based supplements help people. What's next, is he going to try to pass a bill that makes it illegal for us to grow certain fruits and vegetables in our back yards? This dangerous ideology that he and many others have must be stopped before it goes any farther. It is putting the quality of peoples' lives at risk that includes not only their health, but their financial situation considering the many thousands that make a living selling supplements which has helped to stimulate the economy much more than the "stimulus package.". This proposed amendment would create a huge rippling effect that would cause unnecessary harm to Americans. Just leave the supplements alone and focus on something that will actually help Americans; not hurt them.
A Very Concerned American,
Clayton Halls