So many people make their finances a top priority and are very diligent at saving and investing for their futures. Why not do that for you body? You might have millions of dollars, but if your health is poor, you can't enjoy that money. What is more important, your health or your money? I heard a great quote one time that really sums up what I'm talking about. "So many people lose their health to make money and then get to a point in life where they turn around and have to spend money on their bad health." You have the power to make the choice to invest in your health so you can draw from that interest as you get older.
Most people wait before something happens and then have to do medical intervention. I would much rather practice prevention by having a well-balanced health portfolio. There are some key investments that you need to make in order to get the best return on investment from your health. Consider this list of health investments:
- Daily detoxification including regularity
- Immune system balancing
- Alkalizing
- Adequate water intake
- Unprocessed natural and organic foods and FIT eating
- Whole food supplementation
- Blood sugar control
- Cortisol control
- Sufficient REM sleep
- Thermogenesis
- Maximized metabolism
- Natural growth hormone release
- Hormonal balance
- Essential exercise selection
- Positive practice
I boldly ask you to not discount any of the health investment options that I mentioned. Actually, in my book, they are not really options, they are just a way of life. If you need help putting the right portfolio together, hire a professional. You get a financial advisor for your finances, so why not get a health advisor for your health and well-being? No one knows when they will leave this earth, but why go sooner than your intended time? Furthermore, don't you want to have as high a quality of life as possible until it's your time to go? I promise you that you will never regret having a strong personal health portfolio. The earlier you get started, the better the investment is, but it is never too late to start investing.