The new year is here so take a look in the mirror. Do you like what you see? If not, do you plan to make some new year's resolutions that you are not going to keep and end the year in even worse shape than you began? This is a typical cycle of Americans and it leads their bodies down a path of destruction. You only live once right? So, why don't you treat your body like it is important? I promise that you will be much happier in life if you are healthy versus eating and drinking and indulging in whatever you want. Do you want a life full of health or your health sucking the life out of you? I think it is safe to say that most people would want a life full of health, but it is amazing how little they are willing to do for it. If you want your health to change, you must take action. If you get beyond wishful thinking and decide to take action, I want to warn you of 7 deadly sins to avoid.......
1. DIEts
2. ANYTHING Unnatural, Except The Supernatural (hormones, preservatives, chemicals, processing, etc)
3. Gimmicks Including Caffiene Loaded Weight Loss Stimulants
4. Excuses
5. Medications (there are some exceptions to this sin)
6. Chronically Negative People
7. Lack of Professional Advice
Of course there are more, but this is a great start. Also, I didn't mention the things to not avoid which I will in the future. The bottom line is that you have to get out of your head and off the fence and into something that motivates you and on track to becoming healthier. It takes desire and dicipline, you just need to dig deep enough to find it. You may or may not believe in resolutions, but I encourage you to take advantage of a new year and shift your health into high gear. It could be a new year and a new you. Don't settle for a new year and same old you. You deserve better than that!